Thursday, June 4, 2015

Women vs Insecurity


       so... what do u think about insecurity? i define its as something that make someone less confident in themselves.. why must that happen? what make they feel like that? they actually worth themself better then they do? weird about people being insecure

     even weirder when someone willing to sell their pride becoz of their insecurity... how can something like that happen? why? n sometime it become something funny to me... i found it funny when people willing to do something like this... thats why now on... i don't want to friend with insecurity... for example cases from no where below:

        "i hate it more when people accuse me for something i dont even have any idea about.. tetibe kan tuduh aku buat menda y aku xbuat... ko rase?? u know that i can only take u as just friend n only friend since dlu lg kan... lets just unfriend now,  we dont even have to be friend, i dont want to get involved in ur relationship... dont let ur insecure partners ruin ur relationship.... being insecure for something she shouldn't be... what passed is passed la plus sejak bile plak aku pernah ske ko, kita ade pernah declare ke... hahhaha klako.... plez la, lain kli siasat dlu! hahahhaha.... annoying sungguh.. u n ur partners just stay away from me! i dont want to get involved! both of u are non of my business... not worth any second of my time... solve it urself... krik krik krik.. "

       itu sekadar contoh so from this case kita boleh tgk.. bila berkawan dgn berlainan jantina n bile salah sorg dri mereka telah melangkah ke alam perkahwinan ini adalah merupakan salah satu drpd masalahnya... dia akan ada dua case tau.. first case antara mereka mmg xdek masalah, they have well define relationship.. they know n they accept themself as they are FRIEND... second case one or actually both of them have crush on each other.. one of them still cannot move on or they actually have move on..

     the main core case is that one of the friend have insecure partner.. contohnya wife dia bleh plak check2 fb hubby dia.. check msg2 lme.. asal girl friend je msg "please jgn ganggu suami sye lagi" krik krik krik kawan2 ni check check la last msg bilerr kan... dot dot dot setahun y lalu tu pun hubby dia tnye pasal ape ntah coz nothing that matter kawan ni xbls pn kowt msg terakhir tu.. krik krik krik nampak x bertapa insecurity nya dia tuh... why women u have to be like this..

     to handle the first case go through the main core case i bet is not too hard.. berterus terang jek la bukan ada ape pn.. tell wife she just a friend from my past.. knape nk sorok2 plak... klu x buat salah npe mesti takut... always be true lah senang.. wife jgn insecure sgt.. get to know ur hubby true colour n get use to it la anyway kan... same goes to second case..

       just that second case if btol la actually one of them the kawan2 one ni had crush tapi what's matter is u are married anyway.. u are the one they choose to get married n live their live together with so what's the point of being insecure? why dont u give ur trust to ur self n ur partner.. trust... n jadi lah bijak.. siasat la dlu.. buat malu jek.. tuduhan x berasas menambahkan ketebalan bedak asas muka tu.. its between u n ur partner eloknya jgn involve kan org luar.. xpepsl org tau mslh kita... haish... dot dot dot.. what passed is passed la.. everyone has move on with their life that the things that matter... if x move on lagi pun, u are the one who have to work harder to make ur relationship grow better.. take a good care of ur own partner lah n urself too..  

       so actually women la especially, please trust ur self, be more confident with ur self, u are better than u think u are.. u are something too.. u are actually more at what u think u are less at.. what is less work hard n make it more... why u have to be insecure? or actually married people xbole ada life, no space for themself, xbole ada kawan, xbole ada kesukaan sendri, no more private time, mcm xmatured jek, mcm queen/king control jek... seriously is that 'a must' that everything should be visible n transparent.. we are human too even we are married or not, we still should have life too.. yes? no? yes? no? i only believe in 'be true' n 'be honest' is the best way n trust at the other point that should always be taken into consideration... both are responsible for what had happen. communication n action is always the best tool..

    insecure means ketakutan.. ketakutan anda untuk menerima sesuatu kelemahan tu.. kelemahan dri atau kelemahan org lain.. n u are thinking too much n only focus on the insecurity part but otherwise u actually should focus on the solution. 1st solution is see urself first where n what u are lacking at.. betol kan diri sndri dlu sblm nk btol kan org lain... then dont compare urself with others.. u will feel small when u compare.. if u like to judge other peoples, u will think other peoples will judge u too, even actually they dont even judge.. asah la bakat terpendam y ada pada diri make it shine... just be u and accept ur flaws n be more confident with urself.. respect urself first n other will respect u.. speak with action n u will get attention.. 

       dont have to  be insecure n dont do something that just makes u look weak n insecure try this n its from a book.. i found it interesting.. sharing is caring anyway... nk stuju ke x terpulang... all n all what do u think about this problem n how u'll handle it if u face it...?? bincangkan.. hihihi

"A woman looks more secure in am man's eyes
when he can't pull her away from her life
because she is content with her life"
#45 attraction principle

"Forcing him to talk about feeling all the time
will not only make u seem needy n insecure,
it will eventually make him loses respect
he'll pay even less attention to ur feelings"
#67 attraction principle

"Most men tend to disrespect a women who appears to be too malleable"
#72 attraction principle

"the ability to choose how u want to live
and the ability to choose how u want to be treated
are the two things that give u 
more power than any material object ever will"
#80 attraction principle

"the more independent you are of him the more interested he will be"
#86 attraction principle

"He simply won't respect a woman who automatically goes overdrive to please him" 
#90 attraction principle

"Often the best way to adjust or fix the problem is by not letting him know it's being fixed,
when u alter ur availability or change a predictable routine 
it will mentally pull him back in"
#92 attraction principle

"A "yes" women who gives too much sends the impression that
 she believes in the man more than she believes in herself. 
Men view this as weakness not kindness"
#97 attraction principle

"Be independent thinker at all times,
and ignore anyone who attempts to define you in a limiting way"
#98 attraction principle

"Truly powerful people don't explain why they want respect. 
They simply don't engage someone who doesn't give it to them"
#99 attraction principle

"The most attractive quality of all is dignity"
#100 attraction principle

kuikuikui to be continue...

Lets be more security..
be true
be confident
always make a good decision
respect ur self first n other will respect u too
accept who u are and how u are made
n soon u will have higher self esteem

More to come in the next entry wait aaa...

    "Keep Learning ~~ Keep Smiling ~~ Keep Sharing~~Keep In Touch"


  1. perasaan gi tu selalu ada huuu

  2. kdg bnda tu biasa dibsrkn. so lbh baik elak awal2..

    ap pun nice sharing.

  3. perlu ada tapi jangan terlampau :)

  4. Perasaan mcm tu memang ada, tapi tak layan sangat :-)

  5. Jangan dilayan sangat perasan yang negatif tu.. takot memudaratkan diri nanti

  6. Kadang2 ada jugak rasa macam ni, tapi bila fikirkan balik bukan dapat apa pun. Baik kita buat tu untuk diri sendiri. And be confident. Walaupun dalam hati rasa macam ada 'gempa bumi'....

  7. Hi, nice entry! :)

    yup top commentator saya by month. saya bukan tknak buat tutorial tp saya pun ambil dari widget generator yg saya search kat google hehe :D (if awak google tkda jgk, let me know, mungkin saya boleh try share code yg saya guna ni :)

  8. Fuhh bc entri kak ekin google hihi adess BI lemah sikit nak fhm

  9. hehe... bgs juga utk sst kputusan yg memerlukan keyakinan diri dan tidak terpengaruh dgn persekitaran...

  10. Kena sgt topik ni he he tp tu la kdg prmpuan ni susa sgt nak lari dri prasaan ni n can be called as a nature tp tu la kna pndai kawal bebaik n lelaki kna fhm kot prmpuan mmg cpt insecure hahaha so kdg guy kna yakinkan their girl :)

  11. setuju...respect yourself first n others will respect u

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