Saturday, May 30, 2015

Flaws and My Student Life

Actually kepale tgh pusing skung ni.. pening pale sgt ni.. bnyk fikir kah...? fikir tapi xde tindakan pun mmg xdek makne lah org kate... huishhuish.. pape jek la cik fifie... sebenarnya tetibe nak up entry baru sbb ter jumpa pic bawah ni... kata nya 

once you have accept your flaws no one can use them against u. itu kowt punca dari mslh aku dri entry y lepas.. salah ku disitu rupanya... patut lah... maybe ia dri aku sndri, aku y mulakan dlu, org lain just follow jek.. skung ni mse nk btul kan keadaan wlpn mase y ade ciput sgt dah.. nyawa2 ikan paus dlm baldi ikan puyu tggu mse jek dlm kiraan 1 2 3 all is gone.. ntah la mls y nk pk y pasti nk trus usahakan y mne termampu.. it a battle between me n u.. projek 2 aku lah... the only one y aku ade untk menentukan aku lepas dpt master x... knape la ske sgt ade mslh di akhir2 sem ni.. seyes x paham.. dlu y subjek2 lain ok jek dah lepas smua pn npe mesti sangkut gak satu ni pastu x habis2 lagi.. why!!! itu lah org kata ko bile dah sangkut smpai habis pn ko sangkut.. knape la aku drop projek 1 mse sem dua dlu... knape la pndai2 blaja drop2 subjek plak..  pastu terbawak2 ke projek 2.. pape jek la bnyk buang mase bnyk buang duit... why!!! woi... ape ni merapu jek.. argh lantak lah.. geram dkt dri sndri.. xhabis2 nk salah kan org... xhabis2 nk salah dri sndri.. cuba bertindak... tindakan itu lebih afdhol dri asyik merungut n complain jek kan korg... 

pengajarannya kat sni jgn pernah cuba2 nk drop subjek.. u should just go with the flow.. even penyakit procrastinate ko dh criticall stage n dah mcm nk kne masuk ICU bagai skali pun..  ko kne cuba survive gak dlu... u think that is very critical n its already reach the end of the world n u stress gila n u think its ok to drop.. no! its not ok..! its not ok to drop..! nk drop sbb.. alasan ko, xsempat nk siap.. padahal ko procrastinate.. coz lagi stress bila ko dah drop n amik smule.. attitude plak jadi mslh... attitude comes from habit anyway.. 

thats why lah org cakap jgn cuba ajar dri sndri buat menda y xbaik.. its addicting... bila addicting its habit-ting.. when its habit-ting it will attitude-ing n finally u will ur live with lies.. alasan jek sume tu.. n finally it will drag u n everything drag longer than u expect till the end.. i promise u.. its happen anyway..dont do it... as far as ur reason is procrastinate... student n procrastinate mmg xbole dipisahkan.. spe stuju.. senyum2 kambing.. semua org percaya quote ni "i work best under pressure"... pastu bila pressure bleh plak stress bila stress aduii pening pale la plak.. nak xnk kne buat sbb due date dh dekat sume jdi carca marba.. hantar jek la asal lulus.. krik krik krik.. spe xpernah buat u are awesome... 

so sambung balik.. bila jadi pape y xbest dkt dri sndri aku akan cri balik entry berkaitan dkt dairy blog aku ni nk cri kata pendorong n kata semangat untk terus berjuang... cri punya cri crite student life x bnyk lak aku up kat sni.. ape hal la kan... dot dot dot....  bile akhir2 sem ni.. seyes mcm2... perasaan malas nk belajar tu membuak2... tambah2 jenis aku y lone ranger ni.. aku xde kawan nk support aku.. nk buat kje sme2 ngan aku ke, stay up, stay in, hangout ke, pape jek la mcm zaman degree dlu2... ye laa masuk blaja sengsorg y lain sume rmai y dh kje n dh ade komitment lain n dah ade geng msing.. so aku ditinggalkan, aku bukan jenis y susah nk get along with tapi dorg jenis y mcm this is my geng please stay away from us we are not open for any new participant dot dot dot.. pelik sungguh pelajar postgraduate nih.. itu y aku perasan lah.. pape jek lah... mungkin geng2 dak kls aku jek kowt.. dot dot dot... smpai sudah skung ni pun terbawak2 lone ranger.. time motivated xpe time xmotivated tu la sasau kelaut jadinya.. plus maybe aku ni jnis ske judge org kowt sbb tu aku slalu pk klu org ske judge aku jgk.. expectation is not as good as reality.. aku ni kan jenis humble lagi blurr.. lagi laaa... pape jek laaa... bnyk alasan kan aku ni.. bile akhir2 ni org lain lagi bersemngt nk abis kan belajar aku ni plak ya Allah, Tuhan tu jek tau.. aku sndri pun xpaham... masih dia awan awangan!

aku suka student life, aku suka masuk kelas, aku suka buat assignment, aku suka baca paper, aku suka buat group work ke pair work ke its always fine with me, aku ok jek klu masuk buat quiz, midterm exam n final exm.. tapi seyes aku xske crucial presentation every week n every class.. seyesly xske presentation n aku seyes paling xske buat project especially sorg2.. crucial subject is project.. klu xpass xbole grad... cmne tu... xske buat reseach xske deal dgn org tu.. xpaham concept, xtau ape kehendaknya.. dot dot dot... tapi aku sayang sv aku.. seyes dia baik... sgt".. dot dot dot.. aku xpaham npe aku smbung blaja... tetibe kan... mesti ade pilihan lain n klu xde skali pun mesti boleh buat2 ada pilihan lain... dot dot dot.. xde guna nya... half way dh pun... go on with all this fifie... bertahan n bertabah lah.... xsabar nk buat entry im free!! doa kan yea... struggle!

Nobody is perfect and everybody has flaws, but it takes a real man and real women to look past those flaws.. indeed.. flaws n imperfection is actually a crucial aspect and crucial entities in human life what make it different is how people deal with all those flaws.. 

"Jangan berhenti belajar. Semakin banyak kita belajar dan menuntut ilmu, semakin luas ruang kekayaan serta kejayaan hidup". belajar terima kelemahan n belajar cara atasi semua kelemahan sikit demi sikit hari demi hari.. usaha itu sgt2 penting! jgn pernah berhenti belajar.. hidup ni bnyk y kita kne belajar..... one by one step by step... belajar mengenali diri sndri... 

what u need to do is to be true n be honest to yourself... never lie to ur self.. accept flaws n imperfection of ur self.. admit that u have done wrong. nobody is perfect and everybody has flaws, and that they make us who we are. It pointless of worry without actions. = ] Be those who see opportunities in difficulties. mcm azizan osman kata "Berhenti sabotaj diri sendiri. Jika orang lain boleh buat, kita pasti boleh. Cuma membezakan orang yang telah berjaya adalah tindakan pantas mereka dan tidak mudah menyerah kalah." klu kita fikir kita boleh kita pasti mampu melakukannya..

Here are some ideas about what you can do to move through your experience of feeling flawed to a place of acceptance, peace and love:

·         Acknowledge what's true for you. The first step in almost every process of growth and transformation is telling the truth. So often you may try to avoid, run from or pretend your flaws are gone (that never works). But, if you relate to some aspect of your body, personality, relationships, career or life in general as a flaw, you first have to get real about it if you're going to do anything about it.

·  Admit and express the underlying emotions. If you can identify, acknowledge and ultimately express the true emotions you're experiencing related to this perceived flaw, you can create a real sense of freedom for yourself. If a certain aspect of your personality, your body or your career bothers you and because of it you find yourself feeling ashamed, as uncomfortable or potentially negative as it may seem, the best thing you can do is acknowledge and express your shame authentically. Emotions become positive when they are appropriately expressed and turn negative when they are denied and repressed. Although this is a different understanding of emotions than you've been taught, I'm sure you've had many liberating and positive experiences when you've expressed negative emotions like sadness, anger and fear. By expressing your real emotions, you can start to unlock and unhook yourself from the drama and suffering of the situation, which is actually caused by your denial and repression of these emotions, not the emotions themselves.

·         Forgive yourself. Self-forgiveness is a big one and something that many of people, myself included, don't have a lot of experience with. Most people have been trained to be hard on themselves, and also that forgiveness has to come from someone or something outside of you. However, true forgiveness comes from within you and is what ultimately sets you free in life. When you feel flawed in certain areas of your life, you often have a lot of blame and judgment, some of which may be directed toward other people or situations. But beneath that, most of it is directed at you. When you're able to forgive yourself in an authentic way, you create the space for real change and healing to take place.

·     Appreciate. The word "appreciate" doesn't mean "like," "agree with" or "enjoy," necessarily. To appreciate means to recognize the value of something. What have you learned about yourself and life by dealing with this flaw? While pain, issues and challenges are not the only ways to grow in life, one of the many benefits of your challenges is that you get to learn a great deal about yourself, others and life in the process of dealing with them. When you move into a state of genuine appreciation and gratitude for the learning associated with the difficulty, you can move out of feeling sorry for yourself (which never helps). It's impossible to experience gratitude and victimhood simultaneously.

·         Love. The ultimate antidote for all suffering is love. Your ability to bring love to your flaws, to care for them with kindness and compassion (as you would for a child, a pet or a loved one), is what will ultimately allow the true transformation you're looking for to take place. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. When you love your flaws, you create an environment where you're either able to make the kinds of specific changes you truly want (from an authentic place of intention) or learn to love and accept yourself, whether an actual change takes place or not. Any issue, malady or problem that shows up in your life is an opportunity for you to deepen your capacity to bring love, give love, receive love and accept love.

All of these things, in my own experience, are much easier said than done. And, when you're able to tell the truth, express your real emotions, forgive yourself, appreciate your flaws and bring love to all aspects of your life (both light and dark), you give yourself the opportunity to transcend your flaws in a real way. This takes a great deal of intention, support, compassion and patience. It is much easier to take a pill, get busy and distracted, whine and complain, pretend things are fine or various other avoidance techniques you may have gotten good at in life. However, leaning into your flaws in an authentic way and doing so with profound love for yourself is how you can genuinely heal and end the cycle of suffering.

I focus on the fact that everyone has flaws, no ones perfect and that they make us who we are. I take comfort in the fact that I actually have flaws, that way I don't have to put up this facade that I'm perfect 24/7 and never do any wrong. Because that just isn't possible and it's not who I am.

"Keep Learning ~~ Keep Smiling ~~ Keep Sharing"

     "Keep Learning ~~ Keep Smiling ~~ Keep Sharing~~Keep In Touch"


  1. Flaws dalam life menjadikan kita lebih matang, lebih baik. Students life memang zaman paling besttttt!

  2. belajar la selagi mampu...itu masa paling berharga...kerja tak semudah yg kita nampak :)

  3. buat yang terbaik :) InshaAllah ada jalannya.. :)

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