Goodbye My Love

My tears remember
It fills up your seat again
I try erasing but I can’t erase you
You’ve become my everything
You, I can’t see you, I can’t hear you
But I’m okay
Goodbyes are sad, my heart aches
But if you are happy, if you can smile, then I…
I will miss you the more I erase you
I will shed more tears than today
Like fate, I won’t ever have anyone like you
Only you, only you
As much as my tears, I hope you are happy
Good bye my love
My heart already knew
This feeling of loneliness that’s about to explode
I try to hide it but I can’t hide it
You’ve become my heart
You, I can’t have you, I can’t touch you
But I’m okay
Endless pain, tears shed again
But if you are happy, if you can smile, then I…
I will miss you the more I erase you
I will shed more tears than today
Like fate, I won’t ever have anyone like you
Only you, only you
As much as my tears, I hope you are happy
You will think of me at least once
That’s all I need, until the day we meet again
I’ll wait, it’s only a momentary goodbye
Good bye my love
English Translation Lyrics
Ailee - Goodbye My Love
Fated to Love You OST Part 6
my favorite ost in fate i love you.. now episode 16
so touched.. uwaaaaa.... will they get back...
i hope.. i hope..
by the way this lyrics just what i want to say my love...
finally it turn out like this
it so like what i want to say to you
maybe we re just not mean to be together
but i wish i can be happier... without u by my side...
i dont want to wait for u.. this is not momentary...
lets dont meet again...
Good bye my love
sabar fifie sabar
“Jangan berputus asa daripada rahmat Allah.” (Surah Az-Zumar: 53)
setiap yang berlaku mesti ade hikmah di sebaliknya... keep fighting..
pesanan buat diri sendiri jga y selalu lupa... ^__^
cheer up n chill aje dong..!!
Nak tgk review cite ni klik sini -->
Fate To Love You [Korean Drama]

"Keep Learning ~~ Keep Smiling ~~ Keep Sharing~~Keep In Touch"