Monday, July 16, 2012

Tentang sesuatu...

    its been so long that i didn't say something my self... my word my taught.. sorry dear u... it's been so long and it's too bz that i have no time to update any post.. life get so so hard lately... i dont know what am i suppose to say... but something bad n good had happen to me... and now i think i have change a lot.. a lot that i also kindly not know my self well enough anymore... 

    my sense of humor does not works on me anymore now... i dont know why.. i does not know how to value bad n goods anymore am i... i dont know why... so many thing happen and i dont know why its hard for me to make any decision and finally i am regret of it.... that i am not suppose to do... why am i like that... WHY..??

no one can understand me.. no one would... NO ONE... NO ONE...

do i have to waste everything and become truly useless...??? 
do i have to be that way.??

what happen to me and my attitude... i hate me changing like this..

can i say that i have become like this because of the pain... the pain does that to me...
i hate changing this way.. it suppose makes me stronger and maturer....
maybe i have forget to wake up n stand again...

i've try hard to wake up n stand again...
i taught i am strong.. strong enough...

klu dia tak ganggu n x muncul dlm hidup aku lg.. things will be better i think... 
no matter what had happen in the past its always the history... nothing will change no matter what...
how i wish i could go somewhere new n get to know other new people there...
start a new life... be happy again.... or dont have to think about any matter like this anymore...
thats far better than now... 
i hate talking about this seriously..

i cant change people attitude but i can change me...
please be strong....

juz ignore him..

things getting worse..
i've try hard to wake up n stand again...
i taught i am strong.. strong enough...

i am regretting my own decision to let something go for something more important n crucial in life.. (they say that to me) but i taught i can get out of my comfort zone... n i have tried but it seems no one want to support me.. i am regret because i cant make my own choice and try my best n prove that i can do better.. people dont believe in me.. my ability n capability... i hate that the most... n i dont know why i didnt stand with my own decision.. i dont know.. why am i like that.. it so no like me before... heMmM.. why must be so weak..


n now.... i dont know... likely theres nothing to prove n nothing to fight for... why things so useless for me... why am i like this.... i am actually being useless just now... why... WHY.. it so not like me... not me!!


"Hidup tidak boleh berpandukan perasaan hati yg kadangkala boleh menjahanamkan diri sendiri. Perkara utama harus kita fikirkan ialah menerima sesuatu atau membuat sesuatu dgn baik berlandaskan kenyataan."

ikut hati mati.. ikut rasa binasa... tapi hidup harus diteruskan...

 maybe i have forget something...

“Sebahagian firman Allah SWT bermaksud, Allah tidak membebankan seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya…” 
Surah Al-Baqarah, ayat 286, 
itu bermaksud ujian yang diturunkan pada setiap seseorang itu memang mampu ditempuhinya.
Yang tak mampu kerana mengaku, kononnya ujian itu terlalu berat dan besar. Sebenarnya bukan soal besar atau tidak tapi tahap mana kekuatan anda.

Tahu tak ujian itu hanya menimpa org y sememangnya kuat menghadapinya Alah tak turun kan ujian pada org y tak mampu hadapi ujian itu. Kenapa Allah nk timpakan ujian pada hamba-Nya yang memang tak upaya?”

"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik pula bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu. Allah Maha Mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui"

Ya Allah, give me strength, confidence and a strong mind so that I may show them what I am capable of.

 "Orang yang cemerlang melihat setiap halangan sebagai peluang untuk mengasah potensi, manakala orang yang tidak cemerlang menganggap setiap halangan sebagai alasan yang menyebabkan kemundurannya."

cari lah kelebihan dalam kekurangan diri nie... 
cari lah peluang dalam halangan hidup ni... 
cari lah kekuatan dalam kelemahan diri ni...

All the positive taught are mine… 
ape pun.. ape saje.. ape sekali  pun…
I’ll think positive..
Face it 1 by 1… 
I can do it fighting!

Positive thinking leads you to have positive attitudes 
and it makes everything seems positive.
Thus,insyaaAllah it makes us a better person.


i am writing 
i know i will read it all over again one day
 and get inspired by it again... 
because that is me...
di kala emosi n potensi n persepsi diri
tak stabil...


  1. Hai there.. And Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

    I'm looking for a post about "Apa itu Cinta???" and suddenly i ter-open posting u ni.. selepas membca dan memahami words yg dtg dari hati u tu, i rase i patut give ur something to generate ur mind and soul..

    1- Jgn sedih ngan uneasy feeling tu miss, Allah sedang dan hampir nak bg sesuatu sbg ganti.. So, Baca la doa ummu salamah yg diajar oleh baginda Nabi saw, "Allahumma ajurni fii musibati wakhlifli khairan minhaa" - Ya Allah berikan lah aku ganjaran di atas musibah ini, dah gantikan yg lebih baik darinya.. Beriman lah, kemudian tawakal..

    2- Hidup ini umpama belon, kalau kita x get ready utk tebalkan lapisan belon itu, mgkin ianya mgkin akan meletup sekiranya terlebih pressure.. jika meletup xpe miss, cari belon yg lebih besar dan tebal dr sebelumnya.. mgkin x kan mudah overpressure.. Jalannya agak mudah utk praktis dlm kehidupan, create ur own boundary of mind, u will never same as yesterday.. keep improving urself,u will never regret, dont look back if u want to speed up.

    3- Lastly, pressure always changing people behavior. Why u pressure? becoz Allah not in ur worthy-sacred-heart.. pengharapan yg tggi pada Allah itu yg boleh reduce pressure.. and kita leh control our emotion.. but akan jd teruk sekiranya kita mengharapkan manusia.. in term of biological respond pon akan effect.. ingat Allah ciptakan kita seimbang dr fizikal, ruh, dan hormon in ur blood, dont put wrong quantity or quality of ur hak at wrong place, what should u jaga for fizikal? ruhiyah? and blood stream(emotion/hormon balancing)??

    hehehe.. Just sharing my thought.. hope u read it..
    thanks and sorry if make u feel annoying with my comments..

    Wasalam.. Lets Share Values!!!

    1. waalaikumussalam..

      no.. its never annoying but yet it is inspiring.. makes me takes things n think in different ways anyways... i really appreciate it... thanks a lot for ur comment.. i really needs something to motivate me n make me wakes again.. thanks.. i believe in Allah, in fate, in everything that happen for a reason.. i will always tries n belajar to be a better person n improve...

    2. it takes long to think and digest this statement... what do you mean by this actually... maybe some pencerahan.. ur second statement..

      "2- Hidup ini umpama belon, kalau kita x get ready utk tebalkan lapisan belon itu, mgkin ianya mgkin akan meletup sekiranya terlebih pressure.. jika meletup xpe miss, cari belon yg lebih besar dan tebal dr sebelumnya.. mgkin x kan mudah overpressure.. Jalannya agak mudah utk praktis dlm kehidupan, create ur own boundary of mind, u will never same as yesterday.. keep improving urself,u will never regret, dont look back if u want to speed up."

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