hello hello haii guys..mcm setahun sekali je kan bru jumpa dengan korg semua. skill menulis dah semakin pudar ni dek kerana da lama bebenau tak menulis. rindu nk menulis nk meluah kan tapi kesempatan nya tak begitu mengizinkan. maybe sbb bertambah komitment. dari satu ke satu..
benarlah org kata klu kita benar benar redho berserah dan xberharap time tu lah semua doa doa kita dimakbulkan. subhanaAllah. time hati paling lapang menerima segalanya, time hati paling redho menerima ketetapan ilahi time tu Allah kurniakan rezeki yang tak disangka2. Apa lagi yang kau ingin dustakan? subhanaAllah. klu ingat balik rase kelakar tapi itu lah kenyataan hidup.. sekelip mata je segalanya berubah. sekelip mata je status berubah dan berubah lagi dan lagi. alhamdulillah atas segala kurniaan nya. alhamdulillah semoga yang baik2 untuk semua juga. semoga kita semua selalu berlapang hati dengan setiap apa yang hadir dlm hidup kita semoga Allah selalu merahmati kehidupan seharian kita. tetaplah berdoa dan jangan pernah putus asa.
bila rasa nak putus asa selalu lah ingat. there is always something u have to hold on tight n wake up and fight for. there is no one can exactly be there for u. u cant hold on someone because u should relies that none is permanent. people fades love fades but Allah is always there for u n u always have to fight for ur own self for ur akhirat. the life after. syurga. spread love spread goodness. we might be tired we might lose hope being good but we know by being good can bring us to jannah. so lets keep do it together. selagi boleh memberi manfaat keep doing it until the end of life. we dont even know when is our time to leave the world. appreciate each second we have each one we have. happiness is always comes within us. for the sake of Allah love the one He love do All that He love read the things He love us to read see in the perspective that He love us to see.
take care of all the little things that comes to u.

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