Friday, March 6, 2015

False Hope Ke Syok Sendiri. Handle With Care.

"Meeting you was fate, 
becoming your friend was a choice, but 
falling in love with you was beyond my control."

tau tau jek it was just a lie kan or kita jek y bertepuk sebelah tangan

"A lie is just a great story that somebody ruined with the truth" - Barney Stinkson

"Kenapa lelaki selalu bagi false hope kat perempuan? Kenapa?! 
*Ceh ceh. Bila masa dia kasi false hope pun tak tahu." 
Padahal syok sendiri. WakAkA*

 "Lelaki tak akan suka kat the girl yang mudah fall for him
 melainkan atas beberapa sebab. "
Betol ke mcm tu..?? ade ke i kisah..??

" Girl tak nak jual mahal sebab takut kena mark sebagai sombong? "
Well, who cares?

well that why we can try TTM [Teman Tapi Mesra]
for me TTM is more likely being just friend for 
someone u have crush with or anyone at all
jadi lagi easy going n not easy to fall for people.. 
being just friend is the best way to be happier..

n back then untk TTM jenis on 'ur own crush' its about..
 to remain friend or ruin everything..
at least once u have to tell the truth about ur feeling then if nothing happen.. 
or u get negative feedback i think its better for us to let it go and move on... 
move on so that we dont look like a looser...
and we dont lose friend.. by start friend zoning ur crush..
tips2 nk jadi better TTM [Teman Tapi Mesra] boleh tgk sana..

My Experience n Why TTM..

indeed.. maybe we have wrong interpreting the messages that he have gives us..
we try to ask him back n he says, yup indeed he does not mean anything like that..
n all the broken promises n what not... nvm.. it does not mean anything to him..
its ok.. we get hurt.. totally hurt.. we want to forget everything that happen..
for all this while and its was just a lie... its hurt a lot.. 
we dont care what happen back then.. 
what we want is we want to forget him n end the relationship..

we have tried so hard n for the time being we think we have forget it n him...
totally... but after we think we have successfully forget everything...
as time passed..
he come back ! ! !

so what do u think we should do...
rase tu masih bersisa di hati.. tapi we cant look like a looser..
mengelak n lari dri kenyataan that we are only a TTM for him for all this while n now..

to run away again or to give back what u have got..
its a choice..
 he come back after so long... what for.. ? ! ?
he's engaged.. ! ! ! 
so! nak buat mcm nothing happen..? ? !

its okeyh..
i follow the flow then...
u make me this way..
"Dont Confuse my personality with my attitude.
My personality is who i am. 
My attitude depends on who you are"

Chill lah...
belajar untuk redho n terima kenyataan
pengalaman mengajar erti kehidupan
let see what we can do with it kan...
nak seribu daya, xnk seribu dalih..
we CANNOT be a LOSER kayh...
Stand up n Win again

dont break anyone else happiness
n take care of ur heart too..
dont take it easy.. take it with care..
learn to respect ur self n respect others..

too much force will brake it too..
so.. stop forcing ur self to let go, to forget, to not what so ever..
do it slowly with care.. take ur time face it.. accept the fact n keep pray to Allah..

u are much better than u think u are..
if you are confident with your self this wont matter that much..
there always a very good reason behind everything that happen
believe in Qada n Qadar Allah..
Always pray for the best to happen

while we still have time to enjoy the life
bnyk lagi menda lain y boleh buat kita happy n bahagia n this is also one of them
enjoy every little n tiny thing happen to us..
live your life to the max
have fun and enjoy..

btw ade antranya quote y i pinjam dri blog org.. if cuolls nk tau selanjutnya ne terjah sne lah ye..
    "Keep Learning ~~ Keep Smiling ~~ Keep Sharing~~Keep In Touch"


  1. hehehe.. so sweet .. entri ni macam comel je.. heee

  2. tiba-tiba Misaki terasa bila sampai kat ayat bagi harapan mwahahaha :3

    tapi dah tak boleh patah balik dah.. lantaklah.. ahahaha XD

    entri kali nih berbaur cinta tak kesampaian fufufu cute meh :D (anyway, jangan putus asa before confess) mana tau harapan tuh bermakna wink wink XD

    errr tapi hidup single pun dah ok since dah ada Allah, family :D mwehehe

  3. hehehe da tak ingatla macam mana nak fall in love =P

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