Sunday, September 1, 2013

To Be The Excellent.

To Be The Excellent.

To Be The Excellent.

    To be the excellent is all people dreams. Being excellent is not only about being the best in your study and in your academic transcript but it is also about being the best in your life. But still, as a student surely you always want to excel in your study and always hope for a better and the best mark for every exam and test you have to attend. But sometimes you overlook about being excellent in your life. 

    To be excellent does not always mean we are always at the top. As success does not define as a distance but rather as a journey. So that, never regrets the past because what passed is passed what next is more important but somehow never forget what passed has teach you because that is how the excellent excel in their life. Don’t let the banana fruit two times, those phases teach us about not doing the wrong things twice. We have to learn from mistake, be wise and think twice. Excellent people learnt from their mistake and other people mistake to become a better person.

learn from mistake

    As for the student we have to learn to refine, remark, review and remind every single things that have been teach by the teachers. In every before and after class always do refine, review, remark and remind: refine all hard word to remember, remark the important point, review all and remind not only for the test but for your own understanding. That is what so called preparation. Preparation is made to let us we know where are we weak at and where are we best at. So that we can do something and make everything better in time. So that we will not regret if the same question asked in the exam and test.

    An excellent student is always confident. Confident always comes with preparation and preparation always comes with determination. In order to be excellent you have to determine what you want most and least in life. Manage them and organize everything, and make sure most of your times spend doing what you want most in life. You are the one who know what you want most in life. If you fail to plan you are actually plan to fail. Excellent people do not only plan the walk but they walk the plan which means they make it in action, take challenge and get out of their comfort zone.


    Taught there are always people behind every success. You never walk alone to get the excellent result. God is in front of you and teacher, friend and parent is always behind you to support you. Other than learnt to be the best student, you have to learnt to be a good person. Where ever you are, you have to learn to respect people even whoever they are. Never forget to always pray for the best to happen and be thankful for what we have now.

    All and all, to summing up, excellent students are not just born; they develop; just as people develop into quality human beings. This process does not occur without willingness and assistance from you yourselves. You yourselves have to strive and struggle to be the excellent. Even if fate was not on your side, at least you know that you have tried your best and have learn a lot from the journey because this is how the excellent survive to become the excellent. Remember! try and fail is better than fail to try.

    If you want to become a better flute player, strive to become an excellent student. You will become a better flute player and perhaps, more importantly, you will become a better person!

Practice makes perfect.
Practice makes perfect. 

because sometime i think i need to write something to boost the adrenaline
to be more proactive and positive when thinking n doing something.
Positive thinking will lead to positive attitude, 
positive attitude will lead to more positive things to happen.
Good luck all. me just hope for a better thing to happen.

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