You brake my heart again.
Sometime i think that my life is full of fears and tears. and it became worst by the days. the years had passes and it still the same. i have try my best not to come across this feeling anymore but it came to me again n again. i feels lonely, i feels left over, i feel like i am just all on my own here fighting for what i am also got no idea when this fight will over and where it will brings me to. where? it's really hurt me. sometime i think i just need someone by my side, give me strength to wake again. but it always end up crying full of tear n fear again all alone. its hurt. But i keep struggling but still the tears still wont stop. i just miss someone n need someone by my side damn much.
Even many of you would say student life is always the best life that u ever wonder to stay n live with. As if it is the most wonderful life time ever to stay as a student but exactly not as a master student. i dont think so. Its just so much hurtful things happen till now. i've try my best to keep struggle n fight. i hope i can end this fast. As fast as furious. i just cant bear with the pain i feel all this while. its not that i am not thankful for what i have, and for what Allah have borrowed me until now.
i just need someone to listen to me, so there you go my dear n only best friend ever Mr blog my dearest dairy. Please bear with me. I just need to let it out n start everything all over again until my life ended.
Dikala emosi, potensi n prestasi diri kelaut. Maaf atas segala salah dan silap diri ini. Life must go on no matter what happen. Because what u have to do is to keep going and have faith.
Stop thinking too much..
SubhanaAllah Alhamdulillah Allahuakhbar
la ilaha illa anta. Subhanaka, inni kuntu minazzhalimin
“ya Allah, tidak ada Tuhan selain Engkau. Maha Suci Engkau.
Sungguh aku ini termasuk orang-orang yang zalim”.
Ketika kita ditimpa musibah atau dalam keadaan diuji, kita diajarkan untuk membaca apa yang dibaca oleh Nabi Yunus a.h. Nasi Yunus baca ayat ni dan dengan mengaku Allah sahaja yang berhak sebagai Tuhan dan bahawa sungguh aku ini orang yang zalim, Nabi Yunus BERJAYA MELEPASI 3 KEGELAPAN.
Atas izin Allah Nabi Yunus berjaya melepasi
1. Kegelapan perut ikan
2. Kegelapan lautan
3. Kegelapan malam.
InsyaAllah may Allah ease everything.
la ilaha illa anta. Subhanaka, inni kuntu minazzhalimin
la ilaha illa anta. Subhanaka, inni kuntu minazzhalimin
la ilaha illa anta. Subhanaka, inni kuntu minazzhalimin
So this is how i would react on it have faith in Allah.
Belive in qada' n qada
Always think positive
it does not matter how many times you fall
but its count how many time u wake again n wins
Just remember how would you feels when u made it.
keep fighting fighters!!
Time passes so fast i just dont have that much to pay
i should have stop here for now
i am done
need to prepare for the next paper.
fighting Fifie fighting!!
Do pray for my luck n success..
Thank u so much guys for your support.
Ingat ni..
Orang yang berjaya memberi usaha
Orang yang gagal memberi alasan
Stop complaining start working
Just do our best in what ever we are doing
what u give is what you get babe!!

"Keep Learning ~~ Keep Smiling ~~ Keep Sharing~~Keep In Touch"