Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Liebster Award by Nik

       assalamualaikum semua, wawawa... Liebster award coming ur way again, this is only my second time, thanks to Cik Nik coz sudi nominated me as one of her The Liebster Award list, i am feeling GREAT!!! So jom kita terjah soklan2 Cik Nik kita nie... Lets get going guys... Hope the answer menepati kehendak soalan cik nik kita nie.. hehe! peace yaw. [Mcm mne The Liebster Award? check sini yew]

1.     Satu perkataan yang menggambarkan diri anda . [ explain ]
Saya rasa saya cool, oh pleaz! peace no war yaw guys.. hak3!

2.     Satu perkataan yang menggambarkan blog anda . [ explain ]
Fifie Feyca blog santai santai aje so just have fun and enjoy. Hehe!!

3.     5 benda yang wajib anda bawa bila keluar daripada rumah.
·        Purse
·        Phone my only 3310
·        Smart phone
·        Kunci rumah
·        Kunci bas, basikal,  motorsikal, motorcar
·        Errrr.. err.. ape lg yew…

4.     5 orang sahabat yang paling anda sayang . [ Kalau lebih pun tak ada masalah ]
·        My mom is my best friend which I love the most. Jgn jeles ea.
·        Sister n brothers sahabat yang I sayang juge sgt2.
·    Alalala I ni jenis easily loves peoples I meet laa n love so much too semua sahabat2. Guys,  I love u all. Too many to state. [ini semua poyo] K ea mcm ni Nik.. hehe.. peace yaw! J

5.     5 masalah tentang diri anda yang tak akan pernah selesai.
·        Time and due dates
·        Money matters
·        Love life
·        Education for a life time [experience, journey]
·   Me and myself – need more, more n more to improve in term of  moral and spiritual, etc, etc, etc, Hehe! [Poyo tapi serious]
·  Tapi kan Prof Muhaya ckp jgn anggap masalah sebagai masalah, So masalah tak akan jadi masalah. Then we must chill aje and fokos more on how to solve it, so u akan lebih appreciate ur self and enjoy every second u have. Positive x..?? we have to do it sometime. J

6.     Sudah berapa lama menjadi blogger ?
Xde la lame bebeno tapi since 2010 lagi laaa… huihuihui.. ^_^

7.     Apa yang best bila jadi salah seorang blogger?
Yang paling best is boleh menaip panjang2 tanpa merase bersalah and sharing is caring and one more boleh tambah kawan2 blogger

8.     Apa pendapat anda tentang blog Nik ?
Simple, nice and sweet. I really love the wish list part ikhlas dari hati. Ingat dan memperingati. Semoga kita sama2 boleh jadi org y lebih baik. Better in time. Fighting!! J

9.     Boleh kasi idea lagu yang sesuai untuk blog Nik?
I don’t really like the idea of letakkan lagu di blog, I have did that before looong time ago, I feel like sometimes its cool but many times its annoying. Ops ops ops so sorry sincere sgt ni.. maaf. sabar yew.. But if lagu macam yang Nik letak ni ok laa u can put more songs like this with only Piano version, guitar version, etc etc with no singers. J  im fine with that. lalalal... btw please take note ye lain org lain caranya, so depend if u think it nice n necessary to u then go on.. some other people might like it who know. 

10. Boleh senyum tak masa jawab soalan Nik ? hehehe . terima kasih.
J senyum itu sedekah J

11. Boleh tak singgah blog kawan kawan yang tersenarai dan juga blog Encik Ket?
insyaAllah, will do soon. I love blogwalking so no woory kayh.

Nik.. Nik.. Nik.. awak ok tak..?? Fifie menjawab x soalan Nik..?? hehehe!! Klu x menjawab nanti tanya lagi kayh.. Nik, lets do keep in touch kayh.

Next step is to tag other bloggers right. Hope you all sudi sudi kan diri yew.. thanks a lot guys.. have fun and enjoy.

The Nominates are

lalala. my questions as follow. jawab jangan tak jawab naaa.. :) have fun.

1.     Lagu yang mengambarkan perasaan anda sekarang
2.     Cerita yang mengambarkan kehidupan anda sekarang
3.     5 menda/perkara yang sangat2 penting dalam hidup anda
4.     5 menda/perkara yang boleh buat anda rasa bahagia sangat
5.     5 menda/perkara yang boleh buat anda lost or hilang tumpuan/fokos dlm hidup
6.     5 cara anda mengatasi masalah hilang tumpuan/fokos dlm hidup
7.     5 cara anda mengatasi masalah kurang keyakinan pada diri sendiri
8.     Pernah jatuh cinta? Bila? Bagaimana? Cecite.. J
9.      5 Ciri-ciri pasangan pilihan hati anda? Opss.. nak tau jgk.. J
10.  Apa pendapat anda tentang blog Fifie Feyca? ce komen skit.
11.  Pada pendapatan anda, apa yang perlu ditambah baik dalam blog Fifie ni? I think its lacking of something. Help me out. Thank you so much. Maybe nak share cara nak tambah viewers and add nuffnang earning. sharing is caring kan. J

Thank you for your cooperation, willingness n sincerity for answering my question. i love you guys so please just bear with me.. You guys are awesome! jinjja! jinjja!

can i also nak invite semua yang datang sini and baca entry ni menyudikan diri untuk menjawab soklan2 fifie ni.. can can can or not uolls..??
Then, please dont forget letakkan LINK post anda di ruangan komen bawah ni ye...
 And one more thing surely lets do that, blogwalking.. Jom kita terjah..

Do have fun and enjoy!!

"Keep Learning ~~ Keep Smiling ~~ Keep Sharing"


  1. salam, oh tak suka letak lagu kat blog ye :) selamat ber LA :)

  2. Wahhh terima kasih sudi jawab . Lulus ujian . Heheheehe Nik pun rasa macam tak nak letak lagu . Aishhh

  3. Hai hai ! Tumpang tanya... Err, Iera serius tak faham game nie. Hehehe. Ini.. Mcm giveaway ke ? Orr... What ? Explain please... Dh jwb nt tolong tinggalkan d cbox sy ya :) Tenkiu so so so much !

  4. thanks tag :)

  5. annoying? kenape?

    mcm tu taknak letak lgu gak lah.

  6. Cik @iera.. if i not mistaken klu giveaway dpt hadiah yang ni xde hadiah just klu bernasib baik blh lebih rmai kwn/followers/viewers n knl rapat rmai bloggers lain kowt.. hehe!! aktiviti suka suki.. So this is how The Liebster Award works or what u suppose to do or the steps:
    mention the person who nominated you with a link to their blog
    answer the question asked
    nominated 11 other bloggers with a smaller following but with a lots of potential
    create 11 of your own question for them to answer.
    notify your nominate.. thats all senang saja.. lets have a try n c what u get.

  7. @missFifi tq coz sudi jawab.. keep in touch kayh.. :)

  8. @EncikKet @Nik .. its only my own opinion lorr.. sometime people like ur blog content but xske lagu tu, sometime it takes time to load n heavy sometime only la i said hehe3, n many times i do blogwalking, i like to open many tabs if many blog got lagu so hmmmm kacau bilau jadinya.. i just dont have the guts untk cri2 satu2 blog n stop lagu tu.. so many reason why for me laa... sorry eyh lain org lain cara nya.. i pun penah bwt mcm tu jgk dlu when realise it, xbuat dh.. huhi..

  9. Owh i see.. Owkey ! Just ini game bersoal jawab lah ye hehehe. Okeyokey. Thanks jwb soalan saya ^_^

  10. Owh i see.. Thanks jwb soalan saya. Hehe. So, ini cuma game soal jawab je lah.. Owrait2 :D

  11. jeng jeng jenggggg...........

    meh singgah blog santai aliya.... aliya dh jwb dah soklan2 fie ;)

  12. Dah jawab~ Thank you sudi tag. xD

  13. Salam,,tumpang tanya mcm mn nk join game nih? :-)

  14. wslm.. @Shira.. Jom join.
    First - mention the person who nominated you with a link to their blog. fifie la tu,
    second - answer the question dri fifie,
    third - asked nominated 11 other bloggers with a smaller following but with a lots of potential, xsemestinya. bole pilih mne y shira suka..
    forth - create 11 of your own question for them to answer.
    lastly - notify your nominate.. thats all, senang saja kan.. lets have a try n c what u get. Jom jom.. pastu copy link shira kat sini kayh.. selamat mencuba..

  15. Thanks a lot!..insyaAllah I'll try later :-)

  16. done jawab soalan fifie .. :) ..

  17. I is nak jawab bit when scroll thru henpon terus simpan jawapan dlm hati ketat2 sbb ssh nak jawab soalan thru phone u see..huahuahuahua

  18. *but* bit pun bolehhhh,.wakakak


  20. huhuhu.. bagus award2 mcm ni.. secara x langsung kenal fifie mcm mana :)

  21. wah ramai gak join segmen ni :D all the best ye

  22. Nah. Lya dah siapkan jawapan. Hope awk suka :)

  23. wah.. bru berkesempatan nk melawat blog ni... thanks sgt2 bg y sudi menjawab soklan fifie.. lets do keep in touch kayh.. that was so supportive n u all are just so sporting.. lots of love.. <3 ^_^ <3 yang blom jawab jawab2 kan lah.. heheh!! have fun n enjoy yew.. ^_^

  24. hai cik fifie!hehe...maaf la lambat ye niesa dah jawab dah soalan cik fifie

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