FiFie FeyCa

Thursday, January 13, 2011

because i also dont know why...

could i just stop doing this... i feel.. from day to days... i feel so tired... restless...
i dont know why.. but i feel so like that...
i hate the word tired coz i makes me feel worse... even worsen....
i  just cant focus with my responsibility just now.... to study and do my task/assignment as told before...
really dont know why i cant give my full attention to what i suppose to do....
i hate being in this dark cloud..
just let me out of here....
i dont want to think about somethings that is wasn't me....
i dont want to think and just plan what to do but still nothing's done afterward....
i dont want to think of somethings of what i want... but just do the things that i suppose to do at the time...

if u fail to plan then u're actually planning to fail...

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