Always do your best,what you sow you reap.
Always do your best,efforts are rewarded proportionately.
Always do your best,you will have continuous growth.
Always do your best,you will be respected and looked up to.
Always do your best,no matter what the situation.
Always do your best,success follows actions.
Always do your best,you will be filled with confidence.
Always do your best, think today is your best day.
Always do your best,the sky is your limit.
Always do your best,everything will turn out for your best
actually... fifie nga exm week skung...
supposingly in exm mood laarh but....
dont know how
dont know why
i x study mne pn agy...
what therr kan..
still av time....
should have fighting fighting
this is my final year as a student ...
next year..
there would be no more exam's...
oyeah.. yiieepiee..
and so... please make it as unforgettable exam that i ever had....
unforgettable, incredible, super duper better result that i ever had before....
so fifie.. please.. wake up!!!!
work out.....
no matter what....
work hard n work smart........
Go0D Luck For EvErything We Re DoinG Guy...
May Allah Bless us always...
Aja2!! Fighting!!!!
i believe in miracle....
i believe in fate...
i believe in Allah swt....
i believe in we try hard... Allah will Always be with us....