FiFie FeyCa

Sunday, May 31, 2015


Oryte after so long xmenjoin mane2 GA.. let try this one once cuba naseb after almost one year kowt xmenjoin.. huhi... smoga im the lucky one.. kuikui.. jom support each other...


by the way.. raya dah nak dekat..
baju raya tak cari lagi ni....
Jubah ni sweet x? mcm sweet mcm comel jek..
kain cotton mcm selesa jek..
Jom klik gamba kita usha2 baju ni sme2
klik gamba ye bole beli trus senang lagi mudah,,

Baju Muslimah

    "Keep Learning ~~ Keep Smiling ~~ Keep Sharing~~Keep In Touch"

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Flaws and My Student Life

Actually kepale tgh pusing skung ni.. pening pale sgt ni.. bnyk fikir kah...? fikir tapi xde tindakan pun mmg xdek makne lah org kate... huishhuish.. pape jek la cik fifie... sebenarnya tetibe nak up entry baru sbb ter jumpa pic bawah ni... kata nya 

once you have accept your flaws no one can use them against u. itu kowt punca dari mslh aku dri entry y lepas.. salah ku disitu rupanya... patut lah... maybe ia dri aku sndri, aku y mulakan dlu, org lain just follow jek.. skung ni mse nk btul kan keadaan wlpn mase y ade ciput sgt dah.. nyawa2 ikan paus dlm baldi ikan puyu tggu mse jek dlm kiraan 1 2 3 all is gone.. ntah la mls y nk pk y pasti nk trus usahakan y mne termampu.. it a battle between me n u.. projek 2 aku lah... the only one y aku ade untk menentukan aku lepas dpt master x... knape la ske sgt ade mslh di akhir2 sem ni.. seyes x paham.. dlu y subjek2 lain ok jek dah lepas smua pn npe mesti sangkut gak satu ni pastu x habis2 lagi.. why!!! itu lah org kata ko bile dah sangkut smpai habis pn ko sangkut.. knape la aku drop projek 1 mse sem dua dlu... knape la pndai2 blaja drop2 subjek plak..  pastu terbawak2 ke projek 2.. pape jek la bnyk buang mase bnyk buang duit... why!!! woi... ape ni merapu jek.. argh lantak lah.. geram dkt dri sndri.. xhabis2 nk salah kan org... xhabis2 nk salah dri sndri.. cuba bertindak... tindakan itu lebih afdhol dri asyik merungut n complain jek kan korg... 

pengajarannya kat sni jgn pernah cuba2 nk drop subjek.. u should just go with the flow.. even penyakit procrastinate ko dh criticall stage n dah mcm nk kne masuk ICU bagai skali pun..  ko kne cuba survive gak dlu... u think that is very critical n its already reach the end of the world n u stress gila n u think its ok to drop.. no! its not ok..! its not ok to drop..! nk drop sbb.. alasan ko, xsempat nk siap.. padahal ko procrastinate.. coz lagi stress bila ko dah drop n amik smule.. attitude plak jadi mslh... attitude comes from habit anyway.. 

thats why lah org cakap jgn cuba ajar dri sndri buat menda y xbaik.. its addicting... bila addicting its habit-ting.. when its habit-ting it will attitude-ing n finally u will ur live with lies.. alasan jek sume tu.. n finally it will drag u n everything drag longer than u expect till the end.. i promise u.. its happen anyway..dont do it... as far as ur reason is procrastinate... student n procrastinate mmg xbole dipisahkan.. spe stuju.. senyum2 kambing.. semua org percaya quote ni "i work best under pressure"... pastu bila pressure bleh plak stress bila stress aduii pening pale la plak.. nak xnk kne buat sbb due date dh dekat sume jdi carca marba.. hantar jek la asal lulus.. krik krik krik.. spe xpernah buat u are awesome... 

so sambung balik.. bila jadi pape y xbest dkt dri sndri aku akan cri balik entry berkaitan dkt dairy blog aku ni nk cri kata pendorong n kata semangat untk terus berjuang... cri punya cri crite student life x bnyk lak aku up kat sni.. ape hal la kan... dot dot dot....  bile akhir2 sem ni.. seyes mcm2... perasaan malas nk belajar tu membuak2... tambah2 jenis aku y lone ranger ni.. aku xde kawan nk support aku.. nk buat kje sme2 ngan aku ke, stay up, stay in, hangout ke, pape jek la mcm zaman degree dlu2... ye laa masuk blaja sengsorg y lain sume rmai y dh kje n dh ade komitment lain n dah ade geng msing.. so aku ditinggalkan, aku bukan jenis y susah nk get along with tapi dorg jenis y mcm this is my geng please stay away from us we are not open for any new participant dot dot dot.. pelik sungguh pelajar postgraduate nih.. itu y aku perasan lah.. pape jek lah... mungkin geng2 dak kls aku jek kowt.. dot dot dot... smpai sudah skung ni pun terbawak2 lone ranger.. time motivated xpe time xmotivated tu la sasau kelaut jadinya.. plus maybe aku ni jnis ske judge org kowt sbb tu aku slalu pk klu org ske judge aku jgk.. expectation is not as good as reality.. aku ni kan jenis humble lagi blurr.. lagi laaa... pape jek laaa... bnyk alasan kan aku ni.. bile akhir2 ni org lain lagi bersemngt nk abis kan belajar aku ni plak ya Allah, Tuhan tu jek tau.. aku sndri pun xpaham... masih dia awan awangan!

aku suka student life, aku suka masuk kelas, aku suka buat assignment, aku suka baca paper, aku suka buat group work ke pair work ke its always fine with me, aku ok jek klu masuk buat quiz, midterm exam n final exm.. tapi seyes aku xske crucial presentation every week n every class.. seyesly xske presentation n aku seyes paling xske buat project especially sorg2.. crucial subject is project.. klu xpass xbole grad... cmne tu... xske buat reseach xske deal dgn org tu.. xpaham concept, xtau ape kehendaknya.. dot dot dot... tapi aku sayang sv aku.. seyes dia baik... sgt".. dot dot dot.. aku xpaham npe aku smbung blaja... tetibe kan... mesti ade pilihan lain n klu xde skali pun mesti boleh buat2 ada pilihan lain... dot dot dot.. xde guna nya... half way dh pun... go on with all this fifie... bertahan n bertabah lah.... xsabar nk buat entry im free!! doa kan yea... struggle!

Nobody is perfect and everybody has flaws, but it takes a real man and real women to look past those flaws.. indeed.. flaws n imperfection is actually a crucial aspect and crucial entities in human life what make it different is how people deal with all those flaws.. 

"Jangan berhenti belajar. Semakin banyak kita belajar dan menuntut ilmu, semakin luas ruang kekayaan serta kejayaan hidup". belajar terima kelemahan n belajar cara atasi semua kelemahan sikit demi sikit hari demi hari.. usaha itu sgt2 penting! jgn pernah berhenti belajar.. hidup ni bnyk y kita kne belajar..... one by one step by step... belajar mengenali diri sndri... 

what u need to do is to be true n be honest to yourself... never lie to ur self.. accept flaws n imperfection of ur self.. admit that u have done wrong. nobody is perfect and everybody has flaws, and that they make us who we are. It pointless of worry without actions. = ] Be those who see opportunities in difficulties. mcm azizan osman kata "Berhenti sabotaj diri sendiri. Jika orang lain boleh buat, kita pasti boleh. Cuma membezakan orang yang telah berjaya adalah tindakan pantas mereka dan tidak mudah menyerah kalah." klu kita fikir kita boleh kita pasti mampu melakukannya..

Here are some ideas about what you can do to move through your experience of feeling flawed to a place of acceptance, peace and love:

·         Acknowledge what's true for you. The first step in almost every process of growth and transformation is telling the truth. So often you may try to avoid, run from or pretend your flaws are gone (that never works). But, if you relate to some aspect of your body, personality, relationships, career or life in general as a flaw, you first have to get real about it if you're going to do anything about it.

·  Admit and express the underlying emotions. If you can identify, acknowledge and ultimately express the true emotions you're experiencing related to this perceived flaw, you can create a real sense of freedom for yourself. If a certain aspect of your personality, your body or your career bothers you and because of it you find yourself feeling ashamed, as uncomfortable or potentially negative as it may seem, the best thing you can do is acknowledge and express your shame authentically. Emotions become positive when they are appropriately expressed and turn negative when they are denied and repressed. Although this is a different understanding of emotions than you've been taught, I'm sure you've had many liberating and positive experiences when you've expressed negative emotions like sadness, anger and fear. By expressing your real emotions, you can start to unlock and unhook yourself from the drama and suffering of the situation, which is actually caused by your denial and repression of these emotions, not the emotions themselves.

·         Forgive yourself. Self-forgiveness is a big one and something that many of people, myself included, don't have a lot of experience with. Most people have been trained to be hard on themselves, and also that forgiveness has to come from someone or something outside of you. However, true forgiveness comes from within you and is what ultimately sets you free in life. When you feel flawed in certain areas of your life, you often have a lot of blame and judgment, some of which may be directed toward other people or situations. But beneath that, most of it is directed at you. When you're able to forgive yourself in an authentic way, you create the space for real change and healing to take place.

·     Appreciate. The word "appreciate" doesn't mean "like," "agree with" or "enjoy," necessarily. To appreciate means to recognize the value of something. What have you learned about yourself and life by dealing with this flaw? While pain, issues and challenges are not the only ways to grow in life, one of the many benefits of your challenges is that you get to learn a great deal about yourself, others and life in the process of dealing with them. When you move into a state of genuine appreciation and gratitude for the learning associated with the difficulty, you can move out of feeling sorry for yourself (which never helps). It's impossible to experience gratitude and victimhood simultaneously.

·         Love. The ultimate antidote for all suffering is love. Your ability to bring love to your flaws, to care for them with kindness and compassion (as you would for a child, a pet or a loved one), is what will ultimately allow the true transformation you're looking for to take place. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. When you love your flaws, you create an environment where you're either able to make the kinds of specific changes you truly want (from an authentic place of intention) or learn to love and accept yourself, whether an actual change takes place or not. Any issue, malady or problem that shows up in your life is an opportunity for you to deepen your capacity to bring love, give love, receive love and accept love.

All of these things, in my own experience, are much easier said than done. And, when you're able to tell the truth, express your real emotions, forgive yourself, appreciate your flaws and bring love to all aspects of your life (both light and dark), you give yourself the opportunity to transcend your flaws in a real way. This takes a great deal of intention, support, compassion and patience. It is much easier to take a pill, get busy and distracted, whine and complain, pretend things are fine or various other avoidance techniques you may have gotten good at in life. However, leaning into your flaws in an authentic way and doing so with profound love for yourself is how you can genuinely heal and end the cycle of suffering.

I focus on the fact that everyone has flaws, no ones perfect and that they make us who we are. I take comfort in the fact that I actually have flaws, that way I don't have to put up this facade that I'm perfect 24/7 and never do any wrong. Because that just isn't possible and it's not who I am.

"Keep Learning ~~ Keep Smiling ~~ Keep Sharing"

     "Keep Learning ~~ Keep Smiling ~~ Keep Sharing~~Keep In Touch"

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

"Progress is Happiness?"

Sneak peek.. 
"Progress is Happiness??"

Warning !! [klu anda seorg y negative so dont dare to read it. maka smpai disini sje lah pembacaan anda.. please ignore this post.. if n only if u are positive enough n u care n have a very good word to say please read until the last full stop and leave ur comment below.. otherwise just leave... i need some space... a good one.. seriously now.. please dont judge me if u dont even know me.. i love u still :)] super long wordy notes.. 

Frankly talk... actually aku rase aku ada buat salah... n ia sgt menghantui hidup aku skung ni... as u know aku bukan lah sesiapa... it just me... nothing good to display n no word to describe.. not perfect either... i dont know how things become so complicated... n why did i make it complicated at first... procrastination is really a critical sickness and diseases that even specialist hospital got no medicine for this type of epidemic.. to die with it or to live better without it is in our own hand, our own choice...

when i start procrastinate its when i start lying n start running away from fact... its turn me become a coward.. its addictive.. just like drug addict who addictive to drug i am addictive to PLR.. n i am just a coward addicting... i enjoy being a coward in day time but the hurtful feeling in the inside hurt a lot, i start blaming myself n i even felt guilty in the night time... i waste my precious time n it hurt a lot.. i lost my self... i cant recognize myself... why did i change to a bad person! am i bad person? why i do start procrastinate? i dont enjoy my life.. its full of guilty feeling.. nothing much i can do about it these day... 

fears of facing the truth.. fear to accept the truth.. takut nak berdepan dgn kenyataan hidup... takut nak hadapi reality hidup.. takut nak berdepan dgn diri sendiri... takut nak hadapi due date.. takut gagal... fear of failure but keep doing the wrong things... i dont know why with this attitude.. where on the earth i get this attitude.. i hate people judging me.. i hate it when people look down at me.. i hate people look me as stupid... i hate it when org anggap aku ni sampah masyarakat, bodoh sgt... i care a lot what and how people look at me, their perspectives toward me its really matter so much to me.. aku takut jadi budak bodoh.. aku takut di pandang bodoh.. aku takut org pandang rendah pada aku... [but i am really stupid aint it][entah2 org xpernah terfikir psl aku kan.. no one care.. who am i anyway...]

at the same time aku rase aku takut nak bertanya pda org to narrow down my masalah kerana sbb2 tu lah.... i scared if i look stupid.. xtau knape dgn attitude aku ni... what make me think like this... sapa aku?? apa y aku mahukan?? aku dah kenapa kan?? aku takut org kutuk aku, org cakap2 blakang y buruk psl aku.. i dont even trust myself.. knape aku jadi seorg y lower minded mcm ni... [y lebih tepat x confident dgn keupayaan diri sndri!!]

ever since i was with her.. she always bad mouthed me n it always happen in front of other people or many peoples... my friends, my classmates at all age, ranges.. even little kids dont like to be scold in front of other people, so what do u expect i will feel toward this at my age....?? even if u are angry at me, u can do it one to one... slap me if u want but please let it be between u and me... dont make me look stupid in front of my friends... aku ada maruah... terase seperti maruah ku dipijak2... i know i did wrong... n maybe i need guide n sometime i need support.. is that all a teacher should give to a blurr, slow n stupid student like me... maybe i expect too much from u..... i should not do that.. u are also human... maybe u have tried ur best to supervise n maybe u didnt mean what u said earlier.. n surely maybe i deserve it.. but unfortunately i cant manage to handle this as an advice but more to a humiliation... biasa aku x cepat sentap tapi tetibe jek hal ni jadi seperti duri or selumba y tertusuk dihati dalam daging... even dh buang tapi sakit tu still terase... i feel like someone i trust slap me in a crowd of peoples with no notice and no explanation.. at least give me some space to explain myself n maybe some reasons why did i do that... i really cant accept it.. maybe i am stupid at something that u are best at but i am not a fool... i am human too.. no one is perfect... i cant be perfect all the time.. impossible..   

days, weeks, months even years passed.. i keep doing the wrong thing my self.. i can't even ask for help... but now i seriously... i want to yell.... YES!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!! I NEED HELP!!!! I NEED HELP!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!! i just dont know where else i can throw this guilty feeling.. i am actually back stabbing myself... i killed my self... i am killing my self.. i am dying for my own did... i am betraying my self... i hate it when i cant trust my closest friends n family  [i even hate it more when i cant even trust myself]... i dont think they can understand my problem right now..

[since i am not someone like this before so i keep that smiling face in front of them, keep making jokes, just act like a normal me but deep inside who knows] that's why i cant even tell them my problem, my backside, my dark side, my flaws now.. they should see me flawless, just happy go lucky me.. so back then, i dont get the kind of support that i need... no one here for me to give me good words, support and all i need.. sometime i feel all alone!! that's why i am stupid at something other people pro at... i need shoulders to cry one, i need ears to listen to what i need to said, i need someone to sit down with me talk to me about my problem discuss with me how would be the solution... [i need someone to help me narrow down my job to finish up my thesis for real i dont want to fail!]    

maybe i am not strong at heart.... my heart is too soft... i need to learnt... i keep praying to Allah... keep praying supaya Allah bukak kan hati aku, kuat kan semangat aku untk hadapi semua ni dgn aman n tenang n di tunjukkan jalan y lurus lagi mudah dan benar untk aku lalui... semoga aku ikhlasdalam setiap hal especially untk maaf kan semua org n smoga semua org pn boleh maaf kan aku atas segala kesilapan aku dgn seikhlas y boleh..

aku juga manusia biasa... aku buat silap... i make mistake.. a lot of mistakes... i am not perfect... i cant be too perfect too...i can be good at something and best at somethings else and sometime to naive and stupid at some other things too...  i just cant be perfect... but i learnt though experience... 

still i keep searching for the solution to get back my pride n soul.... its missing at somewhere... i am human too... there always time at the upper n bottom too... maybe this is just me when i was at the bottom... i must make my self at the upper soon... 

i am trying to accept my weakness.. i think that is my weakness... i scared of my own wrong did.. n i scared to move on... n hurt a lot... i must step of n move on... one step above n forward make me a step toward success.. thats whats so called progress is happiness... procrastination makes u feel guilty n it will rotten ur mind n soul... 

i my human too... my weakness... my bad... i accept it... i am stupid at something.. yep.. but i dare to keep learning to rise n shine.. theres no way to stop dreaming n pursuing the dreams.. i am just a step away from success... look forward... forgive everyone... n please forgive me everyone for everything...

i make mistake.... my bad... my weakness... i am just too naive too bold too arrogant thats my bad... i learnt best from experiences... i appreciates honest shares..   

skung i keep baca ayat 1-5 surah al fath ni dan cuba faham kan terjemanhan nya skali... i hope it works on me... bnyk pengajaran blh dpt, mcm dlm surah al rahman ayat ni ada bnyk kali sebut.. "Fabiayyi 'ala irobbikuma tukadziban..." Nikmat tuhanmu yang mana engkau dustakan??? janji Allah itu pasti.. al quran itu assyifa.. ubat segala ubat untuk segla penyakit.. penyakit hati fizikal atau mental... "Wanunazzilu minal Qurani maa huwa Syifaa u Wa Rahmatan Lil Mukminin..."Ertinya: Dan kami turunkan Al Quran suatu penawar (obat) bagi orang-orang yang beriman.. (QA : 17 : 82)

ini perkongsian dari fb.. what ever it takes before it became medicine n antibody to our body we really have to take this consistently n istiqomah lah to heal our mind n soul... insyaAllah... anyhow in anyway there always solution to all problem.. selalu ada harapan bagi mereka yang berdoa, selalu ada jalan bagi mereka yang berusaha. believe in ur self. believe in Allah... 

keep moving forward.. never stop learning!!

surah al fath ayat 1-5 

*) Hati yang tertutup untuk melakukan amal soleh & amal jariah.
*) Hati yang tertutup untuk menerima nasihat.
*) Pintu rezeki yang dirasakan seperti tertutup.

*) Minda @ akal yang dirasakan seperti tertutup.

*) Hati yang tertutup utk berkahwin.

Surah al Fath 


Sesungguhnya Kami telah membuka bagi perjuanganmu (wahai Muhammad) satu jalan kemenangan yang jelas nyata,


Kemenangan yang dengan sebabnya Allah mengampunkan salah dan silapmu yang telah lalu dan yang terkemudian, dan menyempurnakan nikmatNya kepadamu, serta menambahkanmu hidayah ke jalan yang lurus (dalam mengembangkan Islam dan melaksanakan hukum-hukumnya).


Dan dengan sebabnya Allah memberikanmu pertolongan (untuk mencapai kejayaan) dengan sepunuh-penuh dan sehandal-handal pertolongan (yang tidak ada bandingannya).


(Tuhan yang membuka jalan kemenangan itu) Dia lah yang menurunkan semangat tenang tenteram ke dalam hati orang-orang yang beriman (semasa mereka meradang terhadap angkara musuh) supaya mereka bertambah iman dan yakin beserta dengan iman dan keyakinan mereka yang sedia ada; pada hal Allah menguasai tentera langit dan bumi (untuk menolong mereka); dan Allah adalah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Bijaksana.
(Allah melakukan yang demikian) supaya ia memasukkan orang-orang yang beriman – lelaki dan perempuan – ke dalam Syurga yang mengalir di bawahnya beberapa sungai; dengan keadaan kekal mereka di dalamnya, serta menghapuskan dosa-dosa mereka; dan adalah yang demikian itu pada sisi Allah merupakan kejayaan yang besar (untuk mereka)

InsyaAllah.. Amin...

Doa kan y terbaik untk kita semua.. semoga akan selalu sukses dan diberkati olehNya...


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Kun Anta - Jadilah Diri sendiri


morning.. jom layan ni jap

       Jadilah diri sendiri dan yakin lah pada kemampuan n kelebihan diri sendiri. setiap org mempunyai kelebihan dan kekurangan masing2.. maka carilah kelebihan dalam kekurangan itu dan percaya lah pada kekuatan pekercayaan n keyakinan diri sendiri menjadikan anda 0ne n only special ones that u always wish n admire to be.. its ur self... love urself, be urself.. u are always beautiful the way u are... cemtu dia.. lagu ni best jom layan mood yakin lah pada kemampuan diri sendiri... saya mampu melakukan nya.. jika saya fikir saya boleh maka saya mampu melakukannya... layan... kun anta!

Ni penyanyi asal die.. blh tahan kan.. kuang3x..

Humood AlKhudher - كن أنت Kun Anta - Malay Translation

Malay Translation 

لأجاريهم، قلدت ظاهر ما فيهم Ketika ingin bersaing dengan yang lain, aku ingin meniru perwatakan luar dan dalamnya. فبدوتُ شخصاً آخر، كي أتفاخر Jadi aku boleh jadi seorang yang lain hanya untuk berbangga و ظننتُ أنا، أنّي بذلك حُزْت غنى dan aku sangka jika aku lakukan seperti itu aku akan dapat kelebihan فوجدتُ أنّي خاسر، فتلك مظاهر Tetapi yang kuperolehi hanyalah kerugian di atas perwatakanku ini. لا لا
tidak, tidak
لا نحتاج المال، كي نزداد جمالا، جوهرنا هنا، في القلب تلالا Kita tidak memerlukan harta untuk menambahkan kecantikan, kecantikan dalaman (jauhari) ada di sini di dalam hati ia bersinar. لا لا
tidak, tidak
نرضي الناس بما لا، نرضاه لنا حالا، ذاك جمالنا، يسمو يتعالى kita tidak perlu memandang pandangan orang lain untuk apa yang tidak ada, 
yang tidak sesuai dengan kita, 
itulah kecantikan kita, 
semakin bertambah hingga ke atas.
كن أنت تزدد جمالاً Jadilah diri kamu sendiri pasti akan menambahkan lagi kecantikan yang sedia ada أتقبّلهم، الناس لست أقلّدهم Sungguh aku menerima mereka tetapi tidak pula aku meniru perwatakan mereka
إلا بما يرضيني، كي أرضيني melainkan apa yang aku terima itu aku telah redha. سأكون أنا، مثلي تماما هذا أنا aku ingin menjadi seperti diri aku sendiri inilah aku
فقناعتي تكفيني، ذاك يقيني hal ini kurasakan sudah cukup dan aku sangat pasti سأكون أنا، من أرضى أنا، لن أسعى لا لرضاهم Aku akan jadi mengikut kemampuan diriku aku tidak perlukan orang lain menerimaku
وأكون أنا، ما أهوى أنا، مالي وما لرضاهم aku akan jadi apa yang aku suka kenapa aku perlu peduli tentang penerimaan mereka terhadapku?


Cover ni best layan k...
y asal cri youtube...

Humood AlKhudher - كن أنت Kun Anta -English Translation

English Translation

لأجاريهم, قلدت ظاهر ما فيهم When you want to compete with others, I want to emulate the character of outside and inside. فبدوت شخصا آخر, كي أتفاخر So I can be someone else only for pride و ظننت أنا, أني بذلك حزت غنى and I thought if I do like that I would be an advantage فوجدت أني خاسر, فتلك مظاهر But that is offset by the gain on this character. لا لا
no, no
لا نحتاج المال, كي نزداد جمالا, جوهرنا هنا, في القلب تلالا We do not need to add real beauty, inner beauty (jeweler) is here it shines in our hearts. لا لا
no, no
نرضي الناس بما لا, نرضاه لنا حالا, ذاك جمالنا, يسمو يتعالى we need not consider the views of others for what is not there, 
that does not suit us, 
that's the beauty of our growing up to the top. كن أنت تزدد جمالا Be yourself will certainly add to the beauty of the existing أتقبلهم, الناس لست أقلدهم I really accept them but I also do not mimic their character
إلا بما يرضيني, كي أرضيني but what I received was that I was pleased. سأكون أنا, مثلي تماما هذا أنا I want to be like my own self, this is me
فقناعتي تكفيني, ذاك يقيني I felt it was enough and I am very sure سأكون أنا, من أرضى أنا, لن أسعى لا لرضاهم I will be by myself capability I do not need others to accept me
وأكون أنا, ما أهوى أنا, مالي وما لرضاهم I will be what I like why do I have to care about their acceptance of me? 

"Keep Learning ~~ Keep Smiling ~~ Keep Sharing"
    "Keep Learning ~~ Keep Smiling ~~ Keep Sharing~~Keep In Touch"

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Happy Birthday To My Self


       so it the first entry for may issue... my birthday is today... getting older already... i tot sempena 5/5/15 my blogging friends will be 555 unfortunately xtercapai lg lah... lagi 2 org... heheheh... blh x ade impian mcm tu... never mind... as always being positive is the best feeling of all.. i is so fine.... thank u for always supporting me guys... lot of love to u olls.. ^_^

       actually its so weird to write while u dont have the mood to write but u wish u are writing a good one right now.. hehe!! sorry i just write anything at all that come to my mind.. since i am not young at age but young at heart so i have a feeling of it would be nice if n only if i have someone special wish me Happy Birthday n celebrate eventually afterward... what a dream.. no one would... coz i am too old for such childish hopes...

       tralala.. tralala... i celebrate n wish my self sndri la kan.. semoga tahun ni akan jadi tahun y terbaik di antra y lebih baik dan terbaik untk aku.. semoga ada good fortune n good luck for everything i do... its a nice date actually 5/5/15 klu ikotkan perancangan mase kecik2 dlu suppose it should be a big day on this date.. heheheh!! my dream which not came true.. at least kan on my bday dgn tahun y cantik tu at least maybe a date to remember get engaged ke get married ke or something else to diperinganti... kelakar kan... 

       tau x mse kecik2 dlu aku ske n sgt berharap sesuatu y baik akan berlaku pada tarikh2 cantik ni 5/5/05 - 5/5/15 - 5/5/25 by the way it just a date anyway... nothing to obsess about... zaman kecik2 kan... n same laa 5/5/05 dat date nothing happen instead xde sorg pn ingat tu bday aku n wish n jauh skali nk celebrate.. kuang3x.. kelakar kan... balik skolah masuk bilik nangis2 sorg2.. kuang3x... uwaawawa xde org ingt bday aku..... tu mase kecik2 la kan.. 10 years back ok... how time flies...

       itu dlu, so apetah lagi skung y dah berusia ni... terase diri ini sgt berharga.. kih3x.. ada ape dgn hari jadi sbnrnya...?? sesuatu y mengingatkan aku ttg usia sebenar, aku xsangka dah hidup selama ni... ape la y aku buat selama ni... apa je y aku dah belajar, adakah aku y hari ni adalah lebih baik dari tahun2 sblm nya, agak nya dah berapa ramai org y tersakiti oleh aku.. hihi!! ade x org ingat aku lg n ingat kah aku ttg org2 y pernah hadir dlm hidup aku sblm ni y mengajar enrti kehidupan dan mcm2 lagi...

        setua-tua aku, tua lagi mak aku.. itu y pasti, ape lah y aku dah buat dgn mak aku selama ni, adakah aku bahagia lagi membahagiakan dia selama ni.. atau sakit lagi menyakitkan, susah lagi menyusahkan. hmmmm... yang pasti aku pasti aku lebih baik dari itu.. confident itu penting... I sayang mak i sgt2.. my precious.. Alhamdulillah.. semua y berlaku adalah y terbaik untk aku... alhamdulillah.. syukur ya Allah...   

       menghargai semua y kita ada lebih baik dari mengangisi sesuatu y bukan hak milik kita... jgn la jadi org y tak bersykur.. hihi!! Happy to be born as myself... Happy to be me...  Happy to be older... Happy Happy happy... maybe i am older at age but always young at heart... i cant deny that one... so klu org cakap i x matured, n so, what am i suppose to do.. coz i am just forever "the sweet 15 girls.." i just dont want to care about the numbers that count.. hehe!! i am just too young to understand this....

tapi kan i paham y ni.. 

Daehan Minguk & Manse wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO achik fifie... yeah!!

selain nk lebih berjaya dlm hidup n lebih baik dri sblm2 ni...
 i also hope that
 semoga i dapat jumpa someone hubby y nice, fatherly, manly, gentlemanmcm appa si triplet ni.. hihihihi...
[maaf nak berangan sekejap.. wheheheheh!!]

 n ada baby pandai n comel sgt mcm bdk2 bertiga ni...

comel, pandai, brotherly, get along well, learnt fast, respect each other, listen well, play well, eat well, high discipline, high spirit, good explorer, support each other, etc etc
biler dah suke bnyk nk puji... kuikuikui

triplet ni ade character dorg masing
dari kanan
1st - Deahan - abg2 sgt, lbh caring, care about hygiene
2nd - Minguk - comel sgt, eat well
3rd - Manse - adik2 sgt, manja, nakal, playful, cheeky 

y mne paling i ske... xbole buat pilihan laa
i ske perangai manse nakal, comel n sweet sgt, klu perasan dia bnyk mengalah nga abg2 dia
i ske tgk minguk muka dia comel giler!!
i ske deahan y very protective toward his appa n his little brother 

mesti terhibur sgt tgk dorg ni.. n mesti teringat mak ayah kita...mcm2 kan...
cmne la dlu2 mak ayah besar kan kita smapai sebesor besor cmnie... kuang3x...
bnyk btol dlm kotak minda nie..

The return of superman... 

Actually respect n adore sume appa dlm cite ni.. n mmg respect sume lelaki dlm dunia ni y very manly n fatherly mcm those people.. seyesly... cair... melting.. heheheh!! 
be a father like a father.. 
responsible in showing everything like leadership by example...
cool sgt kan...

love this family n same goes to Sarang such adorable kids...


Thanks for ur time everyone
enjoy ur life to the max
be happy and learnt to appreciate everything...

post ni dibuat awal
hari ni check2 pkol 5.30
yeah dapat hadiah


kawan2 blog fifie dah jadi 


tq semua sbb slalu support fifie..

"Keep Learning ~~ Keep Smiling ~~ Keep Sharing"
    "Keep Learning ~~ Keep Smiling ~~ Keep Sharing~~Keep In Touch"