FiFie FeyCa

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Welcoming the year of 2014!!

Senyum tak perlu kata apa-apa.

            Hai hai hai 2014!!!! i dont know why time should flies so fast. wow. its 2014 already. [it's my 5th years of blogging already anyway. huhuhu!] and btw i am still live alive as a student. i celebrate 2014 with the final exam for this sem. life is hectic nowdays. i wonder wonder wonder girl.. huhu i wonder when i want to have a vacation somewhere far from here. well well well. take it easy girl. take it easy. 

           As always bila masuk tahun baru. mesti ada yang ada azam baru and ada yang renew azam y lepas2 kan. [aik da back to normal ke mak jemah ni.. huahuauh! please bear with me!]  so apa azam korang untuk tahun ni? apa visi dan misi korang untuk tahun yg fabulous four teen nie..? apa yang korang rasa korang nak buat? apa yang korang rasa korang nak improve be it in your life, religion, relationship, family, job, carrier, material, finance, study etc, etc.  

            btw in 2014 some of my best friends get a job, married, further study and some getting their first child soon, i gonna be an auty for child of the mother of my age. huahuahua.. it's really awesome. the year gonna be awesome the feeling is so great you know. huhuhu!! i welcoming and greet 2014 with a big big heart u know. not like the other years. 2012 is something me to be something more matured in making decision, that year was so tuff and full of dramatic year.

            2013 so much decision to make for i have learnt a lot from the past. making decision, it become not really hard nor easier. i end my study in 2013. i graduated. i get a job. my first job ever in my life. that was my first. and that experience of working like that i will never ever forget ever in my life. meeting with so many awesome people who do really care about my existence is totally something. we are meant to meet to break up.. but still we do keep in touch. such a beautiful relationship and connection that we have. jauh dimata dekat dihati, i really hope this relationship will last long. forever maybe even the period of time start knowing each other is too short a date.. :) ^_^  then after the break up so many things happen n this. i further my study, i had hard time, then i try to face the fear of something. i made it to this far. 1 sem already n i at the end of it. it always hard the the start n will getting harder but no matter what, we have to face it. Allah is always with the one who remember Him in what ever we are doing.  

          so azam tahun ni, xlain x bukan forward the last year punya azam n add up want to become something something better than last year. well, well well, remember dalam ape pun y kita buat dalam setiap apa pun yang kita azam kan pastikan lakukan nya dengan niat "hanya kerana Mu ya Allah." perbetulkan niat kita. 

“HR. AT Tarmidzi”. 

semoga setiap apa y dilakukan dilindungi, diberkati, diredhai dan dirahmati oleh y Maha Pencipta Allah swt di dunia dan di akhirat.

“Jadikanlah sabar dan solat sebagai penolongmu. Dan sesungguhnya yang demikian itu sungguh berat sekali kecuali bagi orang yang khusyuk.” 
[Surah al-Baqarah:45]

"There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." 

-Colin Powell-

~Selalu ada harapan bagi mereka yang berdoa, selalu ada jalan mereka yang berusaha~ 
Allah bersama orang2 yang berusaha ~

klu kurang cemerlang dalam mencapai visi dan misi tu pasti kne cuba dan cuba lagi..
hidup mesti dan harus positif meh.
klu kamu fikir kamu boleh kamu mampu melakukan kan nya. [sambil nyayi lagu malaysia boleh]
nothing is impossible in your life

“Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui” 
Qs. Al-Baqarah : 216

Pastinya ada hikmah disebalik segala sesuatu yang berlaku.. buang yang keruh amik yang jernih.

Ingat.. Allah adalah sebaik-baik perancang. so husnuzon lah. bersangka baik selalu. n then rely only on Allah swt... InsyaAllah.. Hidup kita akan menjadi lebih indah apabila kita redha terima takdir dari Allah.. Maka, apa jua yang kita lakukan, lakukan lah hanya kerana Allah dan hanya kepada Allah tempat kita berharap. Kepada Allah jua tempat kita kembali. Dan Allah jualah yang memberi kita rezeki dan pertolongan.

May 2014 be a bless, joyous and prosperous year.

aja-aja! fighting!
